Minus two, plus three – that has been my ratio so far between canceled and newly-arranged events. As always, the cancellations were due to the schedule mix-ups like, “Sorry, we didn’t realize this Friday to be November 26th!” or “We canceled it because you did not confirm it again last week.” The Lord, however, does not want my time in Russia to be wasted and opens new doors of opportunity almost every day. I got to teach two classes instead of one on Wednesday, Saturday, and on-coming Monday.
Staying at a student dorm of St. Petersburg Christian University is a perfect setting for me to continue working between the events on the two new topics, and also for editing the public schools textbook I wrote almost ten years ago for a new printing. I am glad the publisher allows me to apply my experience of teaching this course, training teachers, and learning from them.
I am almost done here, in St. Petersburg, and will be heading to Kuzbass, Siberia, after just a couple of days teaching in the Moscow region. That region has been all over the news for the last week after a tragic accident in one of its coal mines that took many lives. In my four days of teaching there, I will possibly meet some of those miners’ friends and family members. I am praying for the Lord to give me the right words in presenting His message of love, comfort, and truth.