Here is a sampling from some of the thousands of comments we have received about our events, videos, and books.
Surprised by Faith book
Surpised by Faith is a great evangelistic tool when placed in the hands of people. It can bring them from the darkness of unbelief to saving faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
-Reverend Allen L. Mondon Calvary Free Lutheran Church Mesa, AZ
FaithSearch Discovery
The FaithSearch seminar was the best apologetic seminar I have ever been part of. Not only did [it] share evidence that supports biblical faith in a systematic way, [the] visual presentation was the best I have seen bar none! Adding credibility was [the] integration of personal testimony and contemporary developments. I heartily recommend FaithSearch to any church seeking to strengthen the faith and witness of its members.
– Bob Wilber Associate pastor Christ Community Church, C&MA (Fort Myers, FL)
FaithSearch Origins
It was a really good presentation. It was cool to see more proof I can use to tell my friends about creation. It helped me learn a lot.
-GS Event Participant Elk River, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
You reassured the fact that the Bible is not a bunch of gossip stories, but true from the eyewitnesses themselves.
-JS Event Participant Huron, SD
FaithSearch Origins
This really amazed me and brought me closer to God. You gave me even greater understanding of the wonders of Creation.
-MM Event Participant Maple Grove, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
I loved the historical proof of the Bible & our Jesus. Growing up going to church, we always talked about faith and believing without seeing. As a bright human with questions & skepticism, it is thrilling to hear and see the tangible evidence of my faith through history and archeology.
--BH Participant St. Michael, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
I don't want to be a person who does not know why I believe what I believe. I was raised in a Chrisian home but have more doubts after graduating from a Christian College. For many years, I have believed in Jesus because that's what people told me to do. I appreciate this seminar as it has helped me in the process of reforming a stronger, more firmly built faith in Jesus.
-HS Event Participant Chanhassen, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
Although I had been exposed to Christianity all my life, I struggled with so many issues that I couldn't undertstand—or wouldn't accept without understanding. These doubts circled around and around in my mind and made it easy for me to just forget the whole idea of God rather than try to accept what I did not understand.
The information you provided dismissed every doubt or confusion I had ever had! I left with the sure and certain knowledge that Jesus Christ was who he said he was and he did what they said he did!! I find it hard to even write that line without crying. Joy—relief—amazement that Christ died for ME—that I might be saved from the torment that was my life and most surely would have been my eternal future. Now I know that someday I will be with him to wash his feet with my hair and to spend forever in praise of my heavenly father. How do I thank you for that?
--LH Participant Tucson, AZ
FaithSearch Discovery
I appreciated the historical references to the validity of the Scripture. I am a chemist and always appreciate hearing the testamony of other scientists. I found the more deeply I got into my science studies, the more implausible the secular arguments of evolution and absence of God became. Ultimately, I too had to surrender my pride and arrogance and humbly accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
--WB Participant St. Michael, MN
FaithSearch Origins
We are so thankful to have had Don Bierle speak to [our] ninth-grade group. At least seven kids stayed after to ask him questions and hear his insight on creation-vs-evolution issues as well. Don was an amazing presenter to our group. He spoke to the students with clarity and effectiveness—meeting them where they are, challenging them to rise to a deep and mature level, and engaging with them to go deeper than they naturallaly would've. It was as if he walked with each of us "hand-in-hand" through rich and challenging content and explained it clearly so each of us came away with a great understanding.
Students locked in, engaged, and respected him. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. For ninth-grade students, this is a great sign of a great communicator and the respect they had for him. One of my co-workers who is also a parent of one of my students visited for the teaching portion and she said it was "amazing." She learned so much from him sitting in on the session—more than she has during the adult sessions. It met her where she was at and she was very impressed. She said, "It was great!!!!!" in an E-mail to me this morning. One of my small group leaders of ninth-grade girls E-mailed this morning and gave me this feedback, "Last night was amazing, my girls stayed about 15-20 minutes after asking questions and digesting! It was awesome. 🙂 "
-KN Student Ministries Pastor, Grade 9 Excelsior, MN