Planning this trip was easy. I simply rescheduled most of the events from my April-May trip which had to be canceled. I am so thankful to my ministry friends and partners who were willing to work with me on setting it up all over again! Many of them were very disappointed by my decision back then, when I said that the need for the Gospel is not less but greater during the unrest and turmoil. I totally agree.

My audiences in St. Petersburg, in the Altay region, and around Samara will, as always, be a healthy mix of students, teachers, clergy, lay leaders, and general public. I was warned, however, that this time the attendance is expected to be a little lower and to be dominated by women. The male population, understandably, if not recruited by the army, is either on an extended vacation outside the country or simply prefer not to show themselves in public. I am also expecting some delays and certain inconveniences while travelling to, from, and around the country due to… the same unspoken reason (using the “w” word in Russia may lead to even more severe circumstances). Knowing that I am doing God’s work and that I am prayed for by so many good people, I am staying committed to the task and trusting the Lord to lead me through all and every barrier on my path.

Praying for you brother!
Many thanks Mike.