I did two FaithSearch Discovery presentations so far. One to a group of lay leaders at the Pentecostal Euro-Asian Seminary; and another one to a class of sophomore students at National State University of Social Sciences. I cannot say which of the two I enjoyed more, but the secular school was definitely more difficult and challenging.
It is one thing to train believers in how to present the Gospel clearly and logically, which they already trust and are already very willing to share with others. It is quite different to get a non-believing audience even interested in hearing about a subject that is so remote from and irrelevant to their young lives as …religion! Why would they even allow this Russian-American guy to take over our philosophy class time! It is a secular school after all–not a church! I could almost read this written on their grim faces when their Dean introduced me to the group and left the room. I am so glad he did because that’s when real fun began… [Read more…]