Our spectacular sun is an average-sized star but is still so big that over one million earths could fit inside it! The largest star known is Stephenson 2-18. About 10 billion of our suns could fit inside it!

Our amazing sun, as a result of nuclear fusion, reaches 10,000°F at the surface. That is five times hotter than molten rock from a volcano!
A bar-tailed godwit (bird) is small in comparison to stars but also is an astonishing creation. It was tagged by scientists with a GPS tracker. It migrated 8,435 continuous miles (non-stop) from Alaska to Tasmania in only eleven days (October 13-24, 2022). Obviously, a record!
Source: “Kid’s Answers,” Oct-Dec 2022, p. 23; World Magazine, Dec. 3, 2022, p.22