Topics include:
- How today’s non-Christian thinks
- Developing a plan for building relationships with non-Christians
- Finding freedom from the guilt and helplessness of not being an evangelist
It’s a changing world. Most people in our society no longer see the Christian faith – and the Bible – as relevant or authoritative. We can’t reach them by simply quoting the Scriptures and telling them they need Jesus.
So how can we reach them? It’s time to set the record straight: EVANGELISM CAN BE EFFECTIVE FOR EVERYONE. For most believers “evangelism” is one of their least-favorite words. It evokes frustration, fear and guilt.
Friend to Friend unmasks the usual myths about Gospel outreach and builds a whole new understanding. The truly biblical model of evangelism is team-orientated. It recognizes that most believers have relational, rather than proclamational gifts. It recognizes that the most effective outreach strategy make use of everyone’s gifts.
Friend to Friend allows believers to make the most of their relationships with unbelievers by building bridges. They’re no longer responsible to lead those friends to faith. They simply invite those friends to events at which the Gospel is presented by gifted proclaimers. Gifted nurturers then help new believers to grow in their new-found faith. It’s that simple. Bridging. Proclaiming. Nurturing.
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