Consider how often you hear a message, a good answer to a tough question, or attend an event or conference; then find yourself wishing that some individual in your sphere of influence was there at that very moment.
These “teachable” moments are difficult to predict or plan. Family, friends, co-workers, those you wish to have a deeper grasp of the reality of Christ, are often simply not ready—or comfortable—going to a church service or some event that is overtly “evangelistic.”
Perhaps you sense your friend is open to discussion and exploration of spiritual issues, but, the timing just seems to be off.
That is why we created the Explore the Evidence Community Breakfast. Why a breakfast? We live busy lives and sometimes it’s easier to make an encounter with truth accessible through casual gathering, as opposed to a more formal event, or a personal one, such as a dinner banquet, Sunday morning service, or in-home study.
A breakfast is as casual as you can get. View some of our past speakers!
–>When we organize a community breakfast, here are the primary features or goals we like to see at the event.
Explore the Evidence
Community Breakfast Core Values
Community Breakfast Core Values
- To bring a community together for a learning experience
- Provide an opportunity to invite family, friends, and coworkers to a non-threatening presentation
- Featuring a keynote speaker who offers an evidenced-based, intriguing, entertaining, presentation which will encourage discussion and further personal interaction
- Demonstrates that faith is reasonable; and that biblical faith can be supported by evidence
- To provide opportunities to dialogue on difficult issues we all face

We invite you to partner with us! You can attend one of our Explore the Evidence events or perhaps set the stage to host your own. We’ll help you make the most of it by bringing dynamic speakers trained in addressing a variety of topics in an open, intriguing, and interesting way. Here are just a few of the topics we have to offer:
- The Fingerprints of God: Intelligent Design (Does God Exist?)
- Understanding different world views
- Do all roads (religions) lead to the same way?
- Miracles or Magic: a comparative look at psychics, miracles of faith, and modern day paranormal claims
- Making Sense of Creation and Evolution
- The Magic of Christmas
- Or, do you have a topic in mind? Our research staff can assist in putting together a presentation to suit your goals for your community!
Visit our site often to see when we’ll have our next community breakfast or CONTACT US today to host your own.
For events we already have on the calendar, you may use the form below to register you and your guests.

Here’s a short message from Joe Komarek about our next upcoming community Breakfast:
Christmas is a special season around the world and for some it is a magical season of hope, giving and charity. FaithSearch International is hosting our “Explore the Evidence” Community breakfast on Saturday morning December 9, 2017, at the Lafayette Club, in Minnetonka, MN.
We will explore the evidence for the true meaning of Christmas while enjoying insightful stories of world class illusionist Adrian Van Vactor. We hope you will bring your family and friends to enjoy breakfast together and kick off the magical Christmas season with new insights.
Exploring with you on life’s journey!
Joe Komarek
Executive Director
The “Magic” of Christmas
Millions of Americans and Christians alike around the world will be shopping and preparing for one of the most celebrated times of year, Christmas. For some, it’s about family, friends, and giving. For others, it’s a celebration of the coming of the Messiah into the world.
From the perspective of a skeptical magician, Adrian Van Vactor will not only perform some of his audiences favorite effects, wow your guests, and create a memorable experience for all those in attendance, he will also ask the question: was Jesus’ birth a Miracle or simply mythologized with post history hype, much like a magician’s trick? Come and explore the evidence and the true reason for the season.
Saturday, December 9th, 2017, at the Lafayette Club
2800 Northview Road, Minnetonka Beach, MN 55361
7:30 am – Registration
8:00 a.m. – Buffet Breakfast
Meet our Speaker: