This FREE Happ-O-getics newsletter of happenings and apologetic evidence is sent six times per year to everyone on our FaithSearch mail list with an E-mail address on record.
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FaithSearch Highlights
- Oleg just returned from a three-week ministry in Russia. See his blog for more information. He continues his remote Russian seminary teaching, writing, and recording.
- Don had a drive-time hour with Bill Arnold on Faith Radio (Minneapolis) discussing principles of lifestyle evangelism. (Hear it here.) Don has a very busy March ministry schedule in the Phoenix area with Bible classes, preaching at churches, and seminars for seniors.
- Adrian, Rick, and Don are continuing to build the Bible Learning Center. Biblical and apologetic articles Don has written over the past five to seven years in the Paraclete and Happ-O-getics newsletters are being added.
- One of our two open office positions has been filled! God has blessed us with a very qualified person.
- “From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough for your clear teaching which helped me find the Lord.” This encouraging note was just received from an event thirty-two years ago (1993) in Minnesota.
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