This FREE Happ-O-getics newsletter of happenings and apologetic evidence is sent six times per year to everyone on our FaithSearch mail list with an E-mail address on record. Share it with friends and encourage them to sign up online for their own copy.
FaithSearch Highlights
- Adrian is doing a ministry tour of the Twin Cities and Sioux Falls in September. He will be at churches, Christian schools, and country clubs.
- Adrian has also been invited to do an illusion and Gospel presentation for the national meeting of Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) the first week of October in St. Louis.
- Oleg will be returning to Russia for ministry in late September and into October.
- Dr. Don completed his summer weekly New Testament Gospels class and will teach the Prison Epistles in September and October. He is continuing the preparation and recording of his two New Testament History and Survey courses.
- The Board of Directors quarterly meeting will be held at the ministry office in late October.
- Yuri, our associate in Bryansk, Russia, continues to pastor a church, conducts children’s ministry, visits the elderly, and teaches apologetic evidence in defense of the Christian faith.