Three days in Omsk, four in Yekaterinburg and seven in Moscow! I taught in universities, presented at teachers’ conferences, shared in home churches and gave interviews to newspapers, TV and radio stations. I changed trains, airplanes and host families. And I submitted, re-submitted and re-re-submitted my PhD paperwork (thesis, abstract, review, presentation, review response, resolution draft, etc., etc., etc.)
to the Board too many times to remember. I am three days away from the defense day and only have a few spare minutes to make this brief entry.
This trip has already been one week longer than all my usual teaching tours and it was very nice to have stayed in Americans’ homes for several days! It almost felt like was back in the States and could actually relax and “lower my guards” at the end of the day after
sometimes rather stressful days and even weeks of walking completely unknown streets, meeting with and talking to complete strangers and eating completely unreliable food.
Please continue to hold me in your prayers! And my family in MN and ND!
PS. Teachers in Yekaterinburg complained that the three-hour FaithSearch Discovery event was too short. I heard the same laments on Friday from Catechism teachers in Moscow …after four hours of teaching and Q&A that finished at 11 pm. People seem to be completely loosing the track of time once the Spirit begins to move in their minds and hearts! Luckily they can download the whole presentation from our website and go through it again at their own pace.