It used to be that only an elephant knew how his trunk (nose) works. Now science has “nosed” in! The elephant uses his trunk as an all-purpose tool.
Sometimes he uses it to grab things, being equally adept at picking up vegetables and tortilla chips. He can also use it as a leaf blower. At other times it is like a shop vac, slurping three liters of water per second to a capacity of nine liters. Contrary to popular thinking, elephants can’t drink through their trunks but suck it up and hose it into their mouths. A 23,000 pound elephant uses its trunk to deliver 400 pounds of food to its mouth each day.
Scientists are applying aspects of the physics of the elephant trunk in the design of robots. There is an obvious lesson here: if a robot must have an engineer, then an elephant must have an Intelligent Creator. This evidence is right under our noses!
Source: Answers Magazine, April-June, 2022, p. 22