Here is a sampling from some of the thousands of comments we have received about our events, videos, and books.
FaithSearch Discovery
This is a wonderful collection of information everyone should hear! I was ripped to shreds as a freshman in college—some science majors teamed up to tear down Christianity. I didn't have anything tangible to throw back. I have spend many years rebuilding—"discovering." I'd love to meet up with them again.
-JLD Event Participant Cologne, MN
Surprised by Faith book
My eldest son gave me his autographed copy of your book Surprised by Faith to read several months ago. I must admit that I put off reading it… for all the reasons in your book! I will purchase my own copy as I'd like to pass it on to my other two sons, their wives and children—if they wish to read it. I will encourage that they do. At sixty-eight, I've realized that something was missing: I found it! I'd like to take you up on your offer for a copy of Growing Faith. I do not wish to tear the form from my son's signed copy of your book. Feeling Blessed.
-BW Reader Elk Grove, CA
FaithSearch Discovery
I so needed this because my heart has been so burdened for many in my family and friends who do not believe, who are following the world religions.
--SW Participant Waconia, MN
Surprised by Faith book
Don Bierle was surprised by faith and it transformed his life! As a skeptical researcher and teacher he was challenged to research the evidence for Jesus. God worked and Don became convinced of the relaibility of the Bible and the truth that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! Surprised by Faith tells Don's story and persuasively challenges the reader to seriously consider the person and work of Jesus. I heartlily recommend you read it. I have had the privilege of partnering with FaithSearch International for fifteen years and have seen Don's message change many lives. Invite Don to your church!!
-Geoff Bohleen Executive Pastor, Buffalo Covenant Buffalo, MN
FaithSearch Origins
You answered many questions I've had over the last few years. Your examples regarding intelligent design were great!
-BVV Event Participant St. Michael, MN
Dr. Don Bierle
I’m grateful for your regular teaching here in the park [55+ community in Mesa, AZ] and very happy to know of the consistent attendance of 40+ people. Many people talk about the study around the park. That is so encouraging. God has used you, and continues using you to make a difference here in the park. Thank you for your faithfulness and love for Jesus!
-Jim Strom Mesa, AZ
FaithSearch Discovery
I've heard many times from people that all religion is simply what you've been taught; and [that] you can't really know if what you've been taught is any more valid than what anyone else has been taught. You have clearly presented evidence (historical) which supports the Scriptural truth.
--TF Participant Badger, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
[This presentation has] given me greater ability to share the historical facts backing up the accuracy of Scripture and divinity of Jesus.
-SJ Event Participant Minneapolis, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
This has given me reassurance in the object [of my faith]. The facts and proof solidify that my faith has been placed in the valid object, Lord Jesus Christ.
-Anon. Event Participant
Surprised by Faith book
I was given Surprised by Faith to read while on a bus on a choir trip nearly ten years ago. I read it once, then again (outlining it) and reviewed it to see if I had all the data processed correctly. I started buying the books from the publisher though our church in Jacksonville where my wife worked, and gave them out as the books became available. I gave 25-30 books away for people to use... This curriculum is very good and should be heard and absorbed by everyone. It strengthens our faith in the authenticity of the Bible and the reality of God "in human flesh."
-EW Lay Leader Jacksonville, FL