Here is a sampling from some of the thousands of comments we have received about our events, videos, and books.
Surprised by Faith book
Surprised by Faith by Dr. Don Bierle is a must read! I am a PhD scientist (Cornell Univeristy, 1983 in nutritional biochemistry) and this book has greatly impacted me on my own faith journey. I now mention this excellent book in multiple speaking events each year, when sharing the scientific evidence that God does indeed exist. How can anyone doubt that God exists after reading this book? This is a very solid scientific examination of Christianity. Dr. Bierle uses objective scientific methods to validate the authenticity of the Bible as a valid historical document. If you ever doubled the reality of Christianity, this is the book for you! I highly recommend this book.
-Mark Whitacre, Ph.D. National Director of Field Ministry Operations CBMC; COO & Chief Science Officer of Cypress Systems, Inc.; The Informant (played by Matt Damon in the Hollywood movie, The Informant) Florence, KY
FaithSearch Discovery
I loved the historical proof of the Bible & our Jesus. Growing up going to church, we always talked about faith and believing without seeing. As a bright human with questions & skepticism, it is thrilling to hear and see the tangible evidence of my faith through history and archeology.
--BH Participant St. Michael, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
I thought it was great. It was very helpful to get all the scientific proof. It re-affirms what I already knew, "that it takes more than faith to not believe than to believe.,"
--JC Participant Chaska, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
I came to this a believer, but this session helped to strengthen my faith and helped me to talk about Jesus with more confidence with facts.
--BF Participant Victoria, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
At a moment in my life where I am questioning, "Where are you God? Are you there?" you brought me hope. Thank you.
-AP Event Participant St. Paul, MN
FaithSearch Discovery
This is what I've been looking for!
-LB Event Participant Chaska, MN
FaithSearch Origins
Sunday eve I "forced" our ninth-grade son to come, and he did—kicking and screaming. He asked to come back Monday night because he found it so interesting. Our eighteen-year-old son also came and was fascinated. Thank you so much for your message. I wish we could have had more time.
-JK Event Participant Ionia, IA
FaithSearch International
Dr. Don Bierle and the FaithSearch ministry has blessed our congregation immensely throughout our many years of partnership. Surprised by Faith is a favorite among our Christian education offerings on Sunday mornings, and this resource has been effectively used in a variety of formats within our congregation including groups large and small as well as individual instruction. I highly recommend this resource as one that changes not only minds but hearts as well.
-Kirk Flaa Senior Pastor, Abiding Savior Free Lutheran Church Sioux Falls, SD
FaithSearch International
Don Bierle knows how to touch the heads and the hearts of those who listen to him. [He] brought together young and old, skeptic and supporter to hear his personal testimony, scientific evidence, and biblical truth. He is especially understanding of opinions that differ from his teaching, and he engages people in conversation for greater understanding.
– Dee Rock Minister of parish life American Evangelical Lutheran Church, LCMC (Prescott, AZ)
FaithSearch International
One of the greatest things about [FaithSearch] International is an experienced, flexible staff who can provide seasoned advice, and can also flex with the needs of the church and the needs of the outreach target audience. The presentation was very popular with our community–in fact we underestimated attendance by half!
–Mark McSweeney Associate pastor of discipleship Fellowship Bible Church (Longview, TX)