How cool would it be to see the house where Jesus grew up! It’s not certain, but archaeologists have excavated a courtyard house in Nazareth which may be the one. [Read more…]
Proclaiming the Gospel with Evidence to All Peoples Everywhere
How cool would it be to see the house where Jesus grew up! It’s not certain, but archaeologists have excavated a courtyard house in Nazareth which may be the one. [Read more…]
In 2016, hundreds of high school youth were surveyed by a behavioral scientist [Read more…]
Sometimes during Bible study and research I discover more than I was looking for. [Read more…]
Sometimes Christians who attribute the origin of the universe, plants, and animals to a special creation by God are accused of promoting a “god of the gaps” theology. This is the practice of attributing to God’s creative power and wisdom anything in nature that we do not understand or for which we have no scientific explanation. As if to say, “We can’t explain it, so it must be God.”
The problem is that if and when science discovers a natural explanation, God would no longer be needed! The claims of intelligent design are not the result of a lack of knowledge of nature. Instead, it is the result of knowledge gained by the scientific observation of nature itself. Therefore, it is not the result of ignorance (God of the gaps explanation) but of scientific observation and knowledge.
FaithSearch Discovery
I thought it was great. It was very helpful to get all the scientific proof. It re-affirms what I already knew, "that it takes more than faith to not believe than to believe.,"
--JC Participant Chaska, MN
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The mission of FaithSearch International is to "Extend the Gospel with Evidence to all peoples Everywhere." FaithSearch delivers the "Ah-ha!" moment in your church and community with an exciting, … Read More >>