In a word, I was indoctrinated. My high school, college, and graduate school education was all based in evolutionary texts and teachers. Some of them were good people and good teachers, but they too were products of indoctrination. Public science education, museums, national parks, children’s cartoons, movies, and books all join together to present to everyone today that macroevolution is scientifically proven. I felt I had no choice. [Read more…]
Archives for 2018
What difference does one’s view of origins really make?
Human dignity and worth are lost if we are merely products of chance and evolved from apes. We are cosmic accidents and do not know why we are here.
In contrast, we have dignity and great value if we are specially and purposely created by a personal God in His image and likeness. Furthermore, the fact that there is final accountability to our Creator means our lives (thoughts, actions) have meaning and are significant.
Finally, there is ultimate justice (righteousness will be rewarded, evil will be punished) and our destiny is not a mystery—there is life after death.
Can you be a Christian and believe in the Bible, and still believe in evolution, too?
The Bible is clear that becoming a Christian (salvation) is a gift based solely on faith in the person of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose again to conquer death (Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 5:11-13). A particular view of origins is not a condition for becoming or being a Christian. (See “Becoming New in Christ.”)
In my presentation “Why I Believe… in Creation,” (available on our YouTube® channel) I made it clear that microevolution (adaptation) of organisms is observable in nature and not in conflict with Christian faith or the Bible. Indeed, it gives credit to a God who creates with intelligence and wisdom. [Read more…]
How Different Are We?
There is a current craze for people to discover more about their heritage by DNA testing. Typically, these tests reveal ancestry by detecting mutations in nuclear DNA.
One American family had this test done for themselves. Not surprisingly to them, results confirmed that the parents were of European descent; their adoptive daughter and son from China were East Asian. [Read more…]
Did You Know? July 2018
In Reference to Job 12:7-10
The hummingbird hawk-moth’s…
- …internal thorax temperature exceeds 113º F at peak activity (humans die at 109º F)
- …high energy demands require that they visit 100-500 flowers every day
- …wings beat 70-80 times per second (compared to 53 times for hummingbirds)
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