Old Testament History Confirmed… Again!
During the period of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah, an interesting incident is recorded in 2 Kings 3. Israel king Jehoram asked Judah king Jehoshaphat to join him to put down the rebellion of king Mesha of Moab (highlands east of the Dead Sea). Jehoshaphat was willing but asked an important question, “By what route shall we attack?” (NIV). Jehoram responded, “By way of the Wilderness of Edom” (v. 8).

Archaeologists from Ben-Gurion University and the Israel Antiquities Authority excavated the Gorer Tower, a Judean defensive outpost in the Judean Desert which dated to the period of the divided kingdoms. It lies on a road that descended from the Judean highlands to the south end of the Dead Sea. They also discovered several Judean fortresses along the route that would have monitored “traffic” entering Judah. By using this “Road of Edom” around the south end of the Dead Sea, it allowed the coalition of kings to attack king Mesha from the south and avoid the strong defenses along Moab’s northern border.
The scientific team pointed out that there is no way of knowing for certain which road the attacking kings took, but the road they discovered would fit the biblical “Way of the Wilderness of Edom.” Once again, the Bible is revealed as a reliable source of history.
Source: Nathan Steinmeyer, August 05, 2021, “Bible History Daily” (BAR)