Evolution maintains that dinosaurs became extinct at least 65 million years ago because no dinosaurs fossils are found in sediments more recent than that (assuming their assigned geological ages). Imagine finding a living dinosaur today in a national park unchanged from those in the fossil record. That would be referred to as a “living fossil.” [Read more…]
Describe what is meant by the term “wannabes”?
“Wannabees” is a term coined by the author of Making Sense of Creation & Evolution to identify fossils which are intermediate or transitional between major groups of biological organisms. For example, if reptiles evolved into birds, we should be able to see the fossil of a reptile that wants to be a bird but isn’t fully there yet—a wannabee. [Read more…]
Have scientists found fossils that prove evolution?
No. The point of my presentation on fossils is to demonstrate that the transitional fossils which would prove macroevolution are lacking. So, to imagine that fossils have proven evolution is a false impression. [Read more…]
What is the likelihood that a plant or animal becomes a fossil when it dies?
Fossil formation is a rare event. The fact that fossils are not being formed today under uniformitarian conditions, clearly suggests that the many fossils that we do find in the sediments must be the result of catastrophic burial such as would result from the biblical global flood.
Whether a plant or animal dies on land or sea, the usual scenario is for the body to be eaten or rotted away. Only rapid burial can preserve and fossilize it. That rarely happens under conditions that exist today.
Can Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” be considered a part of the original creation?
Darwin’s theory of the “survival of the fittest” can NOT be considered a part of the original creation in a Christian worldview.
The survival of the fittest includes sickness and predation which lead to death. [Read more…]