In a word, I was indoctrinated. My high school, college, and graduate school education was all based in evolutionary texts and teachers. Some of them were good people and good teachers, but they too were products of indoctrination. Public science education, museums, national parks, children’s cartoons, movies, and books all join together to present to everyone today that macroevolution is scientifically proven. I felt I had no choice.
To be a successful scientist and to be accepted by my colleagues required that I endorse macroevolution. I became a Christian near the completion of my Ph.D. degree in biology. I began to seriously study the Bible and discovered books by scientists who did not believe the theory of macroevolution was a fact. For the first time, I became aware of scientific evidence which contradicted macroevolution and supported creation. It revolutionized my thinking, but it took nearly ten years for me to sort out what I believed about creation and evolution.
Finally, I was convicted that God’s Word is true all the way back to Genesis chapter 1. Furthermore, I came to realize that the Genesis creation account is the most consistent view of the scientific discoveries being made today, such as intelligent design.