Friends of FaithSearch,
You often ask me how you can help the ministry of FaithSearch. Here is a checklist of ways you can make a huge difference. Help us make 2018, our fortieth year of ministry, the most spiritually impactful ever.
Register as a Friend of FaithSearch
- Complete the “Friends of FaithSearch” form to ensure your voice is counted, and that you hear from us about what God is doing through our ministry, and how you can continue to celebrate with us to make the Gospel with Evidence known to all peoples everywhere. Be sure to indicate a FREE ministry resource as our way of saying “Thank you” for being a faithful Friend of FaithSearch.
The Prayer Team
- Continue your prayer support. We can’t do the spiritual work of ministry without the undergirding of God’s faithful people interceding on our behalf.
- Sign up to be a part of our Prayer Team, supporting the physical and spiritual needs of the ministry before the throne of grace. You will receive ministry updates about specific needs so you can pray more specifically.
- We pray in the office each Wednesday (you’re welcome to join us) and we invite you to share your own prayer requests with us, either by calling 952-401-4501 (T,W,Th) or sending us an E-mail or completing our contact form.
The Volunteer Team
- Complete the FaithSearch Volunteer sign-up sheet to add your name to the growing list of people who help make the ministry happen. You will hear about volunteer opportunities where you can contribute your time and talents. Our volunteers save the ministry literally thousands of dollars each year by showing up to get the job done. Many have also commented how much they enjoy the fellowship and mutual encouragement while working with other Friends of FaithSearch.
- Provide us referrals. Have we partnered with your church? Do you have a Bible study group which could host us for a guest presentation? Your recommendation to a pastor or church group leader is the most effective way to open the door for us. Set up a meeting or just tell us who to call and we will follow up. Your referral can help make sure that all our teachers have a full schedule of Gospel presentations throughout the 2018 Year of Gratitude. Call the office at 952-401-4501 (T,W,Th) or contact us online.
- Invite a friend to attend an event with you. Use our online event schedule. Most people come to Christ because of the influence of a friend. You and your guests will be strengthened in your faith and, God willing, some will confess faith in Jesus for the first time.
- Select one of our Gospel publications for use in your church education program, for an office or home Bible study group, and for use with your family and/or home school curriculum. Call for suggestions or review on resource catalog online.
- “Talk up” the ministry of FaithSearch in your network of influence. Recommend our Gospel publications and events to family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Check our store online or call for ideas (952-401-4501, T,W,Th).
- Invite FaithSearch to conduct a small-group presentation at your home/office/business. You invite neighbors, friends, relatives, and work associates to hear a non-threatening, eye-opening, and evidence-based presentation of the Christian faith.
- Send a note or testimonial about what a FaithSearch event, publication, or staff person has meant to you or to a friend. It may have been forty, twenty, ten, or one year ago, and maybe even just yesterday.
The Financial Support Team
- Continue your financial support. Consider an additional gift now. Give online or call 952-401-4501 (T,W,Th).
- “Adopt” an evangelist or staff member. Personalize your relationship with FaithSearch by praying for and designating your personal financial gifts to one of our evangelists or other staff members. You will share in the spiritual fruit that results as well. You will receive ministry updates directly from the evangelist or staff member.
- Sign up for Simplified Giving, our easy, “hands free” option for automatic monthly or quarterly donations. There are three ways to set this up.
1) Give online and check the box that indicates monthly giving to have your gift automatically be charged to your credit card;
2) Call 952-401-4501 (T,W,Th) and provide your information over the phone (credit cards only);
3) Download, print, and send in the Simplified Giving form. If you want your gifts taken directly from a checking account, please include a voided check when you return the form. - For stocks and other appreciated securities, here are the numbers you will need:
Federal ID 41-1341478
Fidelity Investments
DTC #0226
Account #Z47973377
Dr. Don Bierle