Christians are often challenged about their starting point in origins: “Where did this intelligent Being (God) come from?”
That is not a unique problem for the Christian or any person beginning with God as eternal. The evolutionist has the same problem. Where did the evolutionist’s matter come from? They have to assume it is eternal, or even worse, say that it came into existence at some point from nothing!
To get started in origins, both creationists and evolutionists have to assume something has always existed, either an intelligent Being—like the Christian God—or the material elements. Neither can reasonably start with nothing.
I submit that everyone can agree that getting life, persons, and minds is far more reasonable and predictable when starting with a directed cause (intelligence)—that is, a Being who has life, is a person, and has a mind—than it is to start with an undirected cause (chance)—that is, chemical elements which have none of these.