Intelligent design (I.D.) contends that the universe, and especially living organisms, exhibit complexity and specificity (order) that cannot be accomplished by blind and random natural processes of chance.
The detailed enzymatic and structural components of the human blood clotting mechanism require intelligent involvement. Chance can no more evolve all the detailed order of the blood clotting mechanism than it could be responsible for the faces on Mt. Rushmore, or to develop a software program, or a musical score.
When anything in nature has a high CSI value (complex and specified information) the best explanation is that it arose as a result of intelligence. It should be noted that this is not a biblical or Christian premise imposed on nature. Instead it is science, the result of the observation of nature itself. Moreover it belongs to probability and complexity theory (just like forensic science, cryptography, archaeology, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence [SETI]), not to metaphysics and theology.
Another example of I.D. is the human brain. It is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe. The human brain contains at least ten billion brain cells with over 100 trillion neurological interconnections. If all these were laid end to end, they would circle the equator four times. The brain can hold the information content of twenty-five million books filling a bookshelf 500 miles long.
[…] God left his fingerprints in nature. This was discussed under intelligent design and irreducible complexity. Specified information systems like the DNA molecule, order and […]