Each year, we seek the Lord for direction in choosing our annual Benefit Dinner’s theme. Sometimes we struggle to discern a direction at all; others we can’t decide among multiple options. Eventually, God does what only He can do: builds unity out of uncertainty; anticipation from anxiety; peace from panic.
Each time we recognize with the acuity of hindsight that He has carefully and precisely woven the circumstances, the timing, and our hearts, to bring us to a beautiful place. This year is yet another opportunity for praise. Our theme this year is taken from Luke 5:5-8:
“As you say… Lord!”
Dr. Bierle had mentioned a “launch” theme–as we launch new initiatives for the future. Independently of this, our regular office devotions were led by associate evangelist Reuben David, who spoke from Luke 5:1-11, with exhortation to “launch out into the deep and let our nets down for the catch.”
This year, FaithSearch is sponsoring a tour of the Holy Land, featuring a firsthand examination of the evidence for the New Testament, as presented in FaithSearch Discovery. The tour will include a visit to the Sea of Galilee, where the events of Luke 5 took place. The book Surprised by Faith, as well as the FaithSearch Discovery presentation, feature an illustration from this passage as well. This key aspect of the presentation has historical significance for our ministry. These holy land tours are proving increasingly popular amongst devout Christians who wish to feel closer to God.

The “Path of Faith” highlights the transformation of Peter’s recognition of Jesus from “master” or teacher; to his falling at His feet to worship Him as Lord. As John the baptist said of Jesus, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). This movement from pride–Peter was, after all, the professional fisherman; what did Jesus know of nets and fish?–to humility, is one we must all eventually follow.
As we prayed and discussed the selection for our theme, these thoughts swirled and echoed within our hearts. What’s even more, upon reflection, we realized that our ministry had, at several key times in our history, taken direction from the Lord metaphorically to “cast our nets on the other side of the boat” and experienced God’s blessing as a result:
- Ministry began to encourage believers in their faith, but God said, “evangelism to those who do not know me”
- Ministry focused in private homes, but God said, “focus through My church”
- Ministry in the USA, but God said, “to all peoples everywhere”
- The tools belong to the ministry, but God said, “give it away”
We are experiencing a “net breaking miracle” right now through the expansion and success of our ministry in Russia. We are always looking ahead to the future for direction from the Lord about “where next to let down our nets.”
I hope you will plan to attend our Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction on May 17, to hear these and more details, and to be a part in helping us chart our way into future “net breaking miracles,” as we seek God’s direction for our service to Him.