At last! We received our shipment of the newly revised, THIRD Edition of Surprised by Faith. I’m very happy with how it turned out, and the timing couldn’t have been better. Now we will begin using it to continue proclaiming the Gospel with evidence.
For fun, here’s a little video I made about the “birth” of the book as it comes out of the bindery.
There are new features in this edition, including:
- Updated scientific and historical evidence, particularly the analysis of the relative number of manuscripts among various recognized documents from antiquity;
- New material on the nature of faith;
- Transition material between the chapters, highlighting the “Ah-ha!” discoveries along the way. This ties the book more closely to the FaithSearch Discovery presentation, for which it is the text.
If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so. We hear time and again from people who say, “I wish someone had told me this earlier!” And the most common comment after our events presenting this material is, “I wish I had known how powerful and good this would be; I would have brought my friends.” Check out our calendar for an event near you, and bring your friends.
Thanks for making it possible for me to work on this and other projects here at FaithSearch.