It has been a while since I communicated about my ongoing ministry with FaithSearch. It is NOT that I haven’t been doing ongoing ministry. It’s that I have been doing so much that I have had to prioritize projects. Here are some recent highlights: [Read more…]
Archives for 2016
Inaugural Operation Armor Events

After months of praying, planning, and vision casting, the inaugural Operation Armor events are in the books. Our host for these first-ever FaithSearch events was Oak Grove Baptist Church in Golden Valley, MN.
The youth ministry staff at Oak Grove love their kids. They also have a passion to ensure that they are firmly rooted in the Christian faith–and equipped with objective evidence for why it is reasonable and reliable–before they go off to college. This is exactly the mission for Operation Armor (OA) and guides our search for event partners. OA has been developed to equip today’s young people to be able to “Defend your Faith with Honor.”
Understanding the Times: 2016 Benefit

We had a blast at our 2016 Friends of FaithSearch Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction at New Hope Church, on April 29. We are grateful that 185 friends took the time to join us for good food, good laughs, and good ministry reports of changed lives. The theme of the evening was “Understanding the Times.”
Based on 1 Chronicles 12:32, the theme refers to the sons of Issachar, who “understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.” Applied to FaithSearch, the ministry provides answers to the relevant questions of our times, as we “proclaim the Gospel with evidence to all peoples everywhere.” As we understand the times, we adapt the methods of our outreach to better reach a world without answers.
Gomez Gazette, Spring 2016
Our warmest greetings from East Texas and prayers that God continue to work in and bless your lives. Here is our latest Gomez Gazette, Spring 2016 edition.
Once more we want to share with you some of the activities God has allowed us to carry out, and to share how He has been using us to work in the lives of Latinos here in Texas.

God has given us the privilege of beginning the FaithSearch Discovery apologetic study on Sunday nights at our church in Tyler, TX. It’s encouraging to see many show interest in the study and take the time to ask questions and learn more about this very important topic, especially for youth during this time of invading skepticism.
America Reshaped: the Good, Bad, and Ugly of Political Correctness
Seventy-seven people joined us for our “Explore the Evidence” Community Breakfast on March 19 at the Wayzata Country Club. We investigated the political correctness movement (Bias-Free Language) through the topic “America Reshaped: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Political Correctness.” It was especially challenging for everyone to make it safely to the breakfast following the surprise morning snow storm!
Executive director Joe Komarek intentionally made himself a scapegoat by using several “politically incorrect” terms during his opening remarks, and allowed the audience to take him to task for his numerous faux pas. It was all in good fun, and they were very gracious toward Joe in their corrections. For the purpose of illustration, Joe employed outdated terminology, including: