Animal Illusion
FaithSearch has a professional illusionist on staff, but even Adrian Van Vactor could be challenged by trying to figure out how a beetle can be eaten by a frog and later be seen very much alive.
That’s what Japanese researchers wanted to understand. What they discovered is a testimony to God’s creative design. “This insect makes its way through the frog’s digestive system and out the back door – alive.”
How? Most predators kill their prey before eating. Frogs, however, capture their food with their powerful and speedy tongues, then digest the living meal. The Asian aquatic beetle, when so captured, pushes its way through the digestive system with its strong legs and “knocks” on the back door to stimulate its opening.
The frog’s digestive system is extremely low in oxygen. How does it survive that hostile environment? Being aquatic, it can carry sufficient oxygen-laden air bubbles under its wing for the “journey.” That is a great escape!
Source: Answers Magazine Vol. 16 No. 4 (Oct-Dec 2021), p. 22