Rescued Dignity
“Scooter,” a Chinese crested dog, has “backward hind legs, a sparse quiff of white hair, and a permanently droopy tongue.” His leg deformities require him to use a special doggy wheelchair. One observer commented, “In the cutest way possible, he kind of reminds me of a hairy hippopotamus.” Nevertheless, the seven-year-old who was rescued from euthanasia at an Arizona shelter, has become a world title holder.

On June 23, in competition at Petaluma, California, he was declared the “World’s Ugliest Dog!” Scooter wears the title with pride, as his owner wrote in her pet’s competition bio: “He has no idea that he is any different from any other dog.” Surely there is an important lesson here for us humans.
Would we not change our perspective if we could get inside the unborn, the handicapped, and the lowly in our society – and see as they see?
And God created man in His own image… male and female He created them… And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
Genesis 1:27, 31
Source: World Magazine, July 29, 2023, page 22