Something I Am Thankful For…
By Julie Braun
Jeremiah 27:11 holds personal meaning for my husband and me. On August 17, 1977, my then fiancée had a very severe accident while working on a car. The jack slipped away, and the car fell on him, thrusting a bolt through his skull.
Through skilled hands, the surgeon cleaned the wound up, and covered it with a plastic plate. We married in the hospital ten days later with my husband able to say only the two words, “I do.”
Curt had to do speech therapy to learn how to talk again. This was the only part of his brain affected by the accident. Miraculously, there have been no other short- or long-term effects from this head injury. This August 27, and forty-five years later, we are thankful for our three beautiful children, years of memories, and a very blessed life.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 27:11).